“It’s wonderful news that Looe is to get its very own Literary Festival - and not before time, too. Judy and I attend many literary festivals, either in connection with the Richard and Judy Book Club in association with WHSmith, or as novelists in our own right.
Judy and I are thrilled to be patrons of this exciting new venture, not least because we spend so much of our time living in the area, which we first discovered in the summer of 1984 and where we were lucky enough to find a home 14 years later. We do much of our own writing here - it is an inspiring environment, as so many novelists have discovered for themselves.
We will do everything we can to promote and support the Looe Literary festival, and urge anyone who is in a position to help it put down firm roots to do the same.”
Richard Madeley
“It’s wonderful news that Looe is to get its very own Literary Festival - and not before time, too. Judy and I attend many literary festivals, either in connection with the Richard and Judy Book Club in association with WHSmith, or as novelists in our own right.
Judy and I are thrilled to be patrons of this exciting new venture, not least because we spend so much of our time living in the area, which we first discovered in the summer of 1984 and where we were lucky enough to find a home 14 years later. We do much of our own writing here - it is an inspiring environment, as so many novelists have discovered for themselves.
We will do everything we can to promote and support the Looe Literary festival, and urge anyone who is in a position to help it put down firm roots to do the same.”
Richard Madeley